Frequently Asked Questions - The Muscle Mechanics FAQ
If you have any questions not covered here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Do I have to be an athlete to get massage at The Muscle Mechanics?
No! No matter your body type, age, ache or pain: We are here to help anyone that wants to take care of their body. Treatments don't have to be painful (please tell your therapist if you want a more gentle treatment). Check out the testimonials on the bottom of our home page to see a few of our happy clients!
Will I find parking close to the Dowling St Clinic?
There is parking surrounding Queens Gardens, on Vogel St, or in the car parking building on Moray Place. Carparking in the CBD can get busy, so it’s best to arrive a little early to make sure you have time to find one.
Should I eat/drink before my massage?
It’s best to not to come dehydrated or with a full stomach but it’s not a problem if you do need to pause your treatment to visit the bathroom.
Will I need to take my clothes off/ what should I wear?
Yes, it is necessary for you to be mostly undressed during manual therapy. We ask that your underpants remain on (or that you wear stretchy shorts). It's easier with the bra off, but can be worked around if preferred. The breasts and genitals are not worked on or visible to the therapist during a treatment. You will never be on the table without being covered by a sheet or towel.
How do I take care of myself after a massage?
Much the same as you would look after yourself following a workout: Make sure you are well hydrated, eat some go food and stay moving. If you feel like relaxing after a treatment, that’s fine… But we suggest doing some light exercise/ active recovery like going for a walk or doing some technique focused movement. We do suggest avoiding heavy/ intense exercise for a 2-3 hours following your treatment if you can.
When is massage not a good idea?
Fever/ illness -please isolate yourself rather than spread any contagious sickness.
Inflammation -massage can irritate severe inflammation.
Skin problems/ infections/ cuts or scratches -we will avoid working on any areas that have any skin problems.
Will it hurt?
Your treatment doesn’t have to be painful!! Just let us know if you would prefer a more gentle treatment and we would be happy to work with a lighter pressure for you :)